The County League Teams for the coming season are as follows...
League 1 - Hartley (Brierley, Atthey, Lawson, Elliott, Lawy), Jones (Dixon, Ward, Shelley, Covill, Turner), Smith (A, C & R Smith, Tomlinson), Robinson (Huggins, Evans, Gammon) and Birt (Disley, Richards, Felman, Best)
Please note - Bristol BC have requested that no matches should be scheduled to clash with their club or county competitions or the Premier Pairs.
League 2 - Page (Oakley, C&M Davies, Brady, Williams), Lihou (Espatalier-Noel, Ogilvie, Ray, Brandon-Joyce, O'Callaghan), Millichamp (Thomas, Rye, Duncan, Farrer, Mitchell), Blacknell (Davies, Griffin, Ingham, Gowling, McKenzie), Wibberley (Channack, Letts, Urbanski, Glass, Rickard), O'Hara (Cooper, Baker, Smithson, Hodges)
League 3 - Archer (Hood, Scott, Peak-Payne, Gribble, Herlihy), Bickley (D&D Bickley, Moore, Purchase, Mills, Best), Chan (Drew, Cox, Cole, Shears), Power (Knifton, Moore, Bond, Grist), Randell (M&P Randell, Griffiths, Gregory)